Environmental Justice Groups & BIPOC Green Groups

These are some organizations within the United States that focus on issues related to Environmental Justice (a movement that bridges environmental, economic, and social equity concerns). This is a partial list; feel free to note additional groups in the Comments:

Center for Health, Environment & Justice
Climate Justice Alliance
Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment
Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change
Center for Diversity & the Environment
       (including the Environmental Professionals of Color network)
Sierra Club’s Equity, Inclusion, and Justice program
GRID Alternatives

unknownCalifornia Environmental Justice Coalition – CEJC
California Environmental Justice Alliance
Communities For A Better Environment
 (CBE, CA)
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (East Los Angeles, CA)

Beyond Petrochemicals
Groundswell  (Mid-Atlantic states)
Deep South Center for Environmental Justice (DSCEJ)
Louisiana Bucket Brigade
People Over Plastic
Rise St. James (Louisiana)
The Vessel Project of Louisiana
Community in Power and Development Association (CIDA), Port Arthur, TX
Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (Southwest uranium-impacted communities)
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (Chicago, IL)
Alternatives for Community & Environment (Roxbury, MA)
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC, WV)
Coal River Mountain Watch (WV, Appalachia)


peoplegSome of the large, mainstream environmental groups are trying to do a better job (than they have historically) of being inclusive, reaching out to and listening to more people of color and to economically disadvantaged populations, and recognizing and addressing environmental discrimination, equity, and justice issues.

At the same time, marginalized groups (BIPOC, i.e., Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) will continue to find camaraderie and empowerment through initiatives within their communities. These are environmental groups formed by and for Latinos, Indigenous/Native Americans (and native Canadians), African Americans, and Asian Americans, respectively:

Voces Verdes: Latino Leadership in Action
Latino Outdoors
Chispa (LCV)
Chispa Nevada
Chispa AZ
Juntos: Our Air, Our Water (New Mexico)
Protégete: Nuestro futuro vale la lucha (Conservation Colorado)
Chispa Connecticut
Chispa Maryland – Maryland League of Conservation Voters

kiitgimagelinkIndigenous Environmental Network
Honor the Earth
Indigenous Climate Action
Mazaska Talks
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition
Treaty Alliance
Native American Land Conservancy
Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute
Black Mesa Water Coalition
Unist’ot’en Camp (BC, Canada)
Idle No More
Indian Law Resource Center
Lakota People’s Law Project
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)
Native Vote
Native Renewables
Lakota Solar Enterprises
Indigenized Energy (Standing Rock)
Sacred Earth Solar
Lubicon Pitapan Solar Project (Lubicon Lake Band)
GRID Alternatives‘ Tribal solar program

Blacks in Green
Hip Hop Caucus
Outdoor Afro

Wild Diversity

Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)


The following are a few environmental justice (EJ) leaders whom you might want to follow on social media (please feel free to mention others in the Comments):

Dr. Robert D. Bullard, Winona LaDuke, Margie Richard, Lois Gibbs, Catherine Coleman Flowers, Sharon Lavigne, Roishetta Sibley Ozane, Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., Vien Truong, Aaron Mair, Dallas Goldtooth, Majora Carter, Andrea Delgado, Adrianna Quintero, Hilton Kelley, Mark Lopez, Erin Brockovich, Maria Gunnoe, Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore,  Junior Walk, and LeeAnne Walters.


“The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you can alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change the world.”
– James Baldwin


July 20, 2017

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