This is a listing of some enviro-relevant groups in Canada (though not all of them are focused solely on environmental issues). We’ve added more organizations to this listing over time.
Even for those of us who aren’t Canadian, it’s important to support stronger Canadian environmental and climate protection efforts. The U.S. and Canada should be working together and competing to demonstrate their environmental leadership. Both countries have had a relatively poor record in protecting the environment in recent years; both have been building controversial oil pipelines and cutting too many trees (including old growth forests).
- Lubicon Pitapan Solar Project (Lubicon Lake Band)
Also, many international environmental organizations have a Canadian office or programs that include Canada. For example, ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) has a Canadian office (and many Canadian cities and towns are members of ICLEI).
If you know of other environmental (or environmentally-relevant) groups in Canada, please mention them in the Comments. Thanks!
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David Suzuki Foundation and the Suzuki Elders Group seem active across Canada although most local activities are BC based.
If plastic straws can be banned, why not single use aerosols. 14 billion / year.
Check out our campaign.
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