social and political action

The Green Spotlight (TGS) presents concise information and useful links related to green practices and policies, social action, green living, green building and design, and green business. Its brief blurbs highlight noteworthy ideas, products, services, events, websites, publications, organizations, and other resources that support the transition to an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, economy, and society.

:: good NEWS, great LINKS :: innovative PRODUCTS, illuminating RESOURCES ::
:: practical TIPS, positive ACTIONS :: bright IDEAS, brilliant SOLUTIONS ::

mlandman-logo-smallTGS is published by M. Landman Communications & Consulting. M. Landman is an experienced eco-advisor, writer, and editor. She provides practical guidance on sustainability, climate stabilization, ecological land use, and a wide variety of environmental and social issues that affect the common good.

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We hope you enjoy reading The Green Spotlight.


January 25, 2009
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