We post briefer and more frequent green blurbs on our Facebook page than we do on this site. Please visit The Green Spotlight’s Facebook Page. You can view the page even you don’t have a Facebook account. But if you do have an account, click on the “Like” button (if you’re not already a “Friend” of the page). Then you can get a daily dose of The Green Spotlight in your Facebook news feed, and you can share your comments and recommendations with a large audience.
Take a look at the Page to get a sense of the wide variety of topics that have been touched on or linked to. Here’s a sampling of past topics:
- Biomimicry in product design
- Solar window shutters
- Ecovative’s alternative to petroleum-based plastics
- Biofuel made from whiskey-distilling by-products
- Dog poop converted into electrical energy
- Landfill gas turned into fuel for garbage trucks
- Organic farming programs in India, Mexico, Detroit, etc.
- Gardening tips
- Non-toxic cleaners and household products
- Green-certified restaurants
- Net-zero-energy and “passive” homes around the world
- The Yes Men satirize Chevron
- Daryl Hannah
- Rachel Carson
- The greening of corporate supply chains
- Solar panel recycling
- Electric cars, motorcycles, trucks, scooters, ATVs, and other vehicles (Green Lite Motors, Barefoot Motors, Mission Motors, Brammo, ZAP, Bright Automotive, etc.)
- World Green Building Council
- Living Building Challenge
- Bioneers
- Farm Aid
- Teens Turning Green
- League of Conservation Voters
- Trees for the Future: Haiti
- 350.org
- California Brightspot
- Green Economy Roadmap
- TED videos
- New films: e.g., Big River; Dirt!
- Interesting facts and stats
- Quotation of the Month