Please take a look at The Green Spotlight’s Facebook Page to see our daily green blurbs and links. You can view the page even if you don’t have a Facebook account. But if you do have an account, we hope you’ll click on the Like button (if you haven’t already “Liked” the page).
Visit the Page to get a sense of the wide variety of topics that it covers, and feel free to comment on the posts or add your own.
Here’s a sampling of topics that we’ve spotlighted on the page over the last month or so:
- One Planet Living principles
- The Great Animal Orchestra, a new book by Bernie Krause
- 2012 Cleantech Forum
- Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2012 semi-finalists
- The Future of Hope, a film about Iceland
- Waking the Green Tiger, a film about China
- Urban Roots, a film about Detroit
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Rural Renewable Energy Alliance
- Good Jobs, Green Jobs regional conferences
- Wastewater treatment technology that uses renewable energy
- Evolve electric motorcycles and scooters
- Better World Books
- GMO food labeling
- The growth of clean energy markets
- The top B Corp businesses
- TED talks (e.g. urban farming and enterprise in a school in the Bronx)
- Quotations from Thomas Edison, Wendell Berry, Barbara Kingsolver, etc.
March 27, 2012
Take a peek at The Green Spotlight’s Facebook Page to see our daily blurbs and links. Anyone can view the page, whether or not you have a Facebook account. But if you do have an account, be sure to click on the “Like” button to join our growing online community (if you haven’t already); then you should be able to see The Green Spotlight’s posts in your daily Facebook news feed.
Please visit the Page to get a sense of the wide variety of topics that are featured. Here’s a sampling of a few of the solutions, efforts, and success stories that we’ve spotlighted on the page in recent weeks:
- the electric DeLorean, coming out in 2013
- LEED for Homes Awards: this year’s winning projects
- hybrid wind/solar systems
- Reinventing Fire, the new book by Amory Lovins
- Earthjustice
- Global Community Monitor
- Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
- Green Corps’ Field School for Environmental Organizing
- Silent Spring Institute
- Arctic Live
- Revenge of the Electric Car (new documentary)
- CleanTech Open: this year’s finalists and Forum
- Brower Youth Awards: videos and info about this year’s winners
- Solar Decathlon home design competition’s winning projects
- DIY solar installations in Ypsilanti, Michigan
- how to size a solar PV system for charging an electric car
- B Corporation legislation passed in California
- quotations from Ray Anderson, Buckminster Fuller, Annie Dillard, and others
October 26, 2011
Please take a look at The Green Spotlight’s Facebook Page to see our daily green blurbs and links. You can view the page even if you don’t have a Facebook account. But if you do have an account, click on the “Like” button (if you’re not already connected to page); then you will be able to see The Green Spotlight’s posts in your Facebook news feed.
Visit the Page to get a sense of the wide variety of topics that it covers, and feel free to comment on the posts.
Here’s a sampling of topics that we’ve spotlighted on the page in recent weeks:
- new films, including The Economics of Happiness; Bag It; Flow; and Queen of the Sun
- a new environmental news website: This Week in Earth
- videos about the achievements of this year’s Goldman Prize winners (from the U.S., El Salvador, Germany, etc.)
- video about the NRDC’s Growing Green Awards winners
- AIA’s Top Ten Green Projects award-winning buildings
- organic gardening tips for weed and pest control
- driving tips to save gas and money
- a new Green Jobs report, and an interactive map of clean energy companies
- online action to oppose uranium mining in the Grand Canyon
- a summer tour of organic food and farming in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
- dog and cat toys made from natural, renewable materials
- new thin-film solar products, and a mobile solar power generator
- the story of a North Carolina farm started by a family inspired into action by the film Food, Inc.
- the story of two 15-year-old Girl Scouts who are calling Kellogg’s on its use of palm oil in Girl Scout cookies and other products
May 5, 2011